Monday, February 22, 2016

Love Day

February 14th - Valentine's Day - A day of LOVE! Here's is how we celebrated LOVE Day in the Harvell Household this year:
  • Daddy sure does know how to spoil his girls on Valentine's Day!  He took the early shift with the girls and together they made breakfast.  (It's so much fun to watch Addie and Bella be included in the traditions we started pre-kids.  Eric's cooked breakfast for me on Valentine's Day morning for 6 years now!)
  • We've never been huge gifters on Valentine's Day, but Eric did get us some pretty pink flowers!  Addie and Bella got a few new books and a stuffed frog & monkey.
  • It was freezing outside, I think the high was 20 degrees, so we spent the day at home.  We played, colored, and built towers all day long and it was a lot of fun!
  • I cooked us a yummy heart-shaped pizza for dinner! (Eric and I are currently on the 21 day sugar detox, so pizza was more work than you would think because it had a cauliflower crust!) Addie (who is not detoxing!) decorated a heart shaped cookie for dessert and ate every last bit of icing off of it!
  • Eric and I celebrated with a date night later in the week, so after the girls went to bed we relaxed on the couch, Eric made a fire, and we caught up on our favorite show these days "Parenthood!"
Our little Valentine's day celebration at home this year couldn't have been more perfect.  It's not about big expensive gifts in our family, it's the little things that count and spending time together that is really important to us.  Life is so sweet with Addie and Bella every day of the year, but sometimes it is nice to slow down and truly appreciate what you have.  Eric' and I have the best love story and I love the life that we have created together.  Eric is my best friend and I wouldn't want to share our crazy life with anyone else.  Happy (belated) Valentine's Day from our family to yours!

Bella's 1st Valentine's Day - we love you to the moon and back Bella Bean! 

Addie and Bella helping Daddy make pancakes and sausage for breakfast! 

Our Valentine's Day play date was complete with cookie decorating, crafting, and lots of playing with our friends!

1 comment:

  1. This is very much a work in progress whenever I find out about one who is more beautiful than any of these I will add her and kick out number ten Thanks for sharing the informative post.
