Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Dear Addie - You're TWO

Dear Addie,

Happy 2nd birthday!  It's crazy to think that it's been 2 years already since you've entered this world, and not a day has gone by that you haven't brought a smile to my face.  Life with you is an adventure!  You are the sweetest, craziest, full of energy, happy little girl and I feel so lucky that you call me Mommy!

At 2 years old, you are ON THE GO...literally!  You run around the house smiling and laughing all day long.  You are so active and I love that about you.  Even though I may deny it at times (especially when I find you on top of the kitchen table) I really do love how adventurous you are!

At 2 years old, you are the sweetest big sister to Bella.  You make her laugh like no one else can and I love watching the two of you interact, it makes my heart melt.  You are protective of her and very caring.  The second she cries, you come to the rescue with a hug, kiss, and her pacifier.  I can't wait to watch you continue to teach her, play with her, and be the sweetest big sister to her.  The two of you are already the best of friends, even at only 2 years old and 6 months old!  It only gets better from here!

At 2 years old, you are obsessed with your friends.  Huds has your heart and you ask about him all day long.  Addy and Emerson "Mimi" as you call her are also your best buds.  We have play dates often and you are a social butterfly so you love every second of it!  Since we live away from family, these friends have become family and we love to do fun holiday things together and even take trips.  Speaking of family - you absolutely LOVE to Facetime these days!  I can't open up my laptop without you wanting to talk to T (Aunt Kristen) or Pap and Grandma.  Technology is pretty amazing and I love that you get to see them on a regular basis, but nothing beats when they come to visit!  You smile from ear to ear and ask about them constantly when they leave.  The next time we are all able to get together, you pick up right where you left off!  I love that you already know how important family and close friends are and that makes me a very proud momma!

At 2 years old, you are a Daddy's girl!  The second Daddy comes home from work and you hear that door open, you drop what you are doing and sprint around the corner to greet him with a big hug.  I love watching the two of you together!

At 2 years old, you are obsessed with baby dolls.  You take care of them just like I take care of Bella.  You take them for walks in the stroller, feed them and burp them, give them a bath, and even put them "night night."  You are also the most amazing artist!  You love to draw and paint and I think you would do it all day long if I let you (although our house, couch, and walls would probably become very colorful!)  "Mixing" aka cooking or baking is also one of your favorite things to do and you've become my #1 taste tester in the kitchen!  You are obsessed with everything about animals!  We go to the zoo a lot and you have perfected most animal sounds.  You love lining up your Little People animals and we go through all of the sounds that they make.  Also, you love to build towers with your legos and blocks (Daddy is your favorite assistant), you could sit and read books for hours before bed, and the number of stuffed animals we have keep multiplying (partly to Uncle Brian and Carla!)

At 2 years old, you've got a lot to say.  In the last few weeks, you have started talking a lot!  I think you talk from the second you wake up to the second you go to sleep!  Some of it I can translate and other times I think your just making up your own songs.  You are a sponge and I love watching you soak up new words.  The words that come out of your mouth really do surprise me on a daily basis.

Addie, you are pretty much the best toddler ever and so much fun these days.  I absolutely love this age, the good, the bad, and the ugly (can you say picky eater and temper tantrums!)  I know a lot of people say "Terrible Twos" but there really isn't anything terrible about it.  I love every second of every day with you and I can't even put into words how much I love you.  Being a mom changes your life and your first born always holds a special place in your heart.  You gave me the gift of being a mom and no matter how old you get you will always be my sweet Addie girl.  Happy birthday!  I love you to the moon and back!

Love, Mommy

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