Thursday, December 1, 2016

Baby Bump - Month 3

How far along? 13 weeks

Gender:  Unknown

Feeling: If there's one thing I learned this time around it's that the only thing more exhausting than being pregnant (with Bella) and chasing around a very active 1 year old is being pregnant this time and chasing around 2 young children who are always on the go, usually in opposite directions.  I had to take a nap when the kids napped almost every single day just to make it through.  Not to add, it was Eric's busiest time of the year so several times a week he didn't get home until 10pm.  My 3rd pregnancy didn't bring any morning sickness (Yayy) but it did bring evening/night sickness.  I felt pretty nauseous, but rarely actually got sick.

All about Food:  My cravings have been all over the place this time around.  I can't get enough of fruit, specifically clementines and apples.  I am loving salty vs sweet snacks, which is very unlike me.  I can't get enough Italian food, pasta, Italian subs, eggplant Parmesan, pizza, bring it on!  I want nothing to do with coffee or chicken.

Favorite moments:

-September 13th, 2016 I found out I was pregnant with baby #3.  Eric had to work that night and didn't get home until late.  I waited until the next day to tell him so that Addie and Bella could share the news.  Addie painted him a  pumpkin picture that said "We are adding another pumpkin to our patch." The look on his face was priceless and after the initial shock, he was very excited!

-Seeing our little baby at our 6 week ultrasound, that little flicker of a heartbeat is so amazing!

-October 7th, 2016 - Surprising my mom, dad, Brian, Carla, and Kristen with the news.  I had fall pictures of the girls taken and printed them for everyone, with a few bonus pictures added in with them.

-Hearing the baby's heartbeat at 12 weeks

-October 22nd, 2016 - We decided to spill the beans with the rest of our Pittsburgh family during our trip!

Looking forward to:  

-Sharing the news with the rest of the world!

-Feeling those initial flutters and kicks - probably my favorite thing about being pregnant!

Our first ultrasound of Baby #3 at 6 weeks.
Baby #3 at 13 weeks.

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