Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Santa 2016

These past couple of weeks have been full of all kinds of holiday activities, but one of our favorite things to do has been to see the big guy in the red suit.  We have seen Santa this year more times than I'd like to admit!  From mall trips, to Christmastown, to Brunch with Santa, and Cookies and stories with Santa at our neighborhood clubhouse - Santa has kind of become an honorary member of our family!  Our experiences with Santa this year compared to last year couldn't be more different.  Last year Addie was absolutely terrified while Bella just sat quietly and was completely content.  This year, the roles have been reversed.  Addie is absolutely obsessed and Bella is absolutely terrified!  Addie proudly sits on his lap, rambles off her endless Christmas list (which usually includes a baby doll and 2 bottles or a new ball, but occasionally she adds in a random item such as a helicopter or a dog that barks), smiles for the camera, and always ends her visit with a hug for Santa.  Bella screams her head off - the entire time! Memories are made regardless of the smiles or screams and I cannot wait to see what next year brings as we add another little one to the mix.  Until then in the words of the big man himself, "Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!"  

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