Sunday, December 11, 2016

Our Beautiful Ballerina

This fall Addie was transformed into the most beautiful ballerina as she completed her first ballet class.  We decided to start simple and signed her up for a weekly class at the Y to see if she like it and did she ever?!?  She loved wearing her "dancing shoes" as she called them and had the most adorable little plie that I have ever seen.  Week after week she proudly ran into dance class ready to have fun with one of her best buddies.  They danced and giggled around the room for the entire 45 minutes - and even learned a little bit about ballet, I think :)

On the last day of class, the teachers invited the parents to join and see what they learned.  This was our "recital" you could say, as much as a recital as I guess you can have with 2 year olds.  Addie was beyond excited for Daddy to come watch her  dance.  She grinned from ear to ear and you could tell she was really loving every single second.  They started the "recital" by stretching and showed us some basic dance moves that they learned.  Then, they took turns moving across the room doing various things, the "princess walk" was my favorite!  They ended class by dancing to one of their favorite songs in which they moved around like animals, it was adorable.  After the show was over, Addie's little buddy came in to bring the girls flowers for their first "recital" and it was probably the cutest thing I've ever seen.  We snapped a few pictures, said our thanks yous and goodbyes to the teachers, and went out for donuts to celebrate.  It may not have been an elaborate, over the top recital, but it was a proud mommy moment with my sweet little girl who is quickly growing up before my very eyes.  Good job Addie girl, Mommy loves you!

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