Monday, December 12, 2016

Baby Bump - Month 4

How far along? 18 weeks

Gender:  Unknown

Here's the breakdown according to Old Wive's Tales:

Heartbeat - below 140 at 132 - BOY (Both Addie & Bella were above)
Cravings - SALTY - BOY
Headaches - BOY
Chinese Calendar - BOY
Sleeping - on the left - BOY
Morning Sickness - Yes - GIRL
Carrying - high - GIRL
Skin - GIRL
Sleep - both sides BOY or GIRL

Eric's prediction: Girl
My prediction: Girl, I think Eric and I both have the mindset that we always have girls!
Addie's prediction - it depends on the day, her answer changes frequently

We can't wait until the end of the month to find out!  Until then, here's a side by side of all 3 pregnancies.  What's your guess?!?
Feeling: This past month I have finally felt back to my normal self!  I can get through the day without a nap and keep up with Addie and Bella (most of the time!)  The morning sickness has subsided, along with the headaches and other unpleasant symptoms of the 1st trimester :)  The 2nd trimester has been pretty good to me so far, but new pregnancy symptoms are starting to show such as a sore lower back and heartburn.  This babe is starting early on his or her head of hair!  I officially "popped" about 2 weeks ago and I am quickly outgrowing most of my regular clothes.

All about Food:  I am craving a lot of healthy things this time around, which is very much the opposite of my normal self who has quite the sweet tooth!  I can't get enough fruit, especially clementines.  I love salads, meats (minus chicken) and cheeses, olives, and pickles.  I've been craving sushi lately, oh how I miss our weekly sushi dinners and I just want to want coffee again, especially on these cold winter days!

Favorite moments:

-Sharing the news with the rest of the world!
-Feeling movement, little flutters have turned into little kicks here and there recently and I love it!
-Talking to Addie about her baby brother or sister - She was so little last time around that she didn't really understand.  I love that she gets it more this time around.  The other day I was tickling Addie and she looked at me and said "Mommy don't tickle my baby in my belly" and I couldn't help but laugh.  She loves to play "Mommy" and apparently is also carrying a child ;)  She has also added the baby to the list of people she prays for and it is absolutely adorable.
-Getting my official mom car - the swagger wagon as we call it.  We bought a Toyota Sienna and boy do I love the mini-van life!  I can't believe I've been missing out on all of it's luxuries all of this time!!

Looking forward to:  

-Finding out the gender!
-Celebrating our last Christmas as a family of FOUR

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