Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Addie - Month 2


Weight 11 lbs 1 oz (78th percentile)
Length 23 1/2 inches (96th percentile)
Head 40.64 cm (95th percentile)


All of your Newborn stuff is officially put away and you are wearing 3 month clothes.  Some of your leggings/pants are a little short, but that's okay because it's spring and we just pretend that they are capris.   I ordered some new headbands off of Amazon for you and they fit great, there's no more screaming when I try to put one on you!  That makes me very happy!

We switched you over to size 1 diapers at the beginning of your 2nd month and they are still a perfect fit!  We have used a couple different brands, but Pampers Swaddlers continue to be our favorite.

Since you were a breech baby, we had to go have an ultra sound of your hips when you were 6 weeks old to make sure that they were developing correctly.  You did great during your ultra sound and Dr. Fink said that everything looked perfect.  We were back at the doctor again the following week  (week 7) because you got pink eye.  We met a new doctor this time and he was also very nice.  He gave us some eye drops for you and it was cleared up in just a few short days.  At your 2 month check up, you got your first round of vaccines.  I think it was harder on me than it was on you.  The first one was oral, which you took without any problems.  Then came the tough part.  I had to help hold you down (which I HATED having to do!) and you got a shot in each thigh.  The first one wasn't so bad, but the second one you did NOT like!  Your face turned lobster red and you screamed like I've never heard you scream before.  Luckily, that was the worst of it and other than the initial shock, the shots didn't seem to bother you.  The only other concern I talked to Dr. Fink about was your head.  You favor turning your head to the right and I was worried that you might start getting a flat spot.  I didn't see a spot, but I wanted Dr. Fink to check it out.  He said your head was shaped perfectly and he did some stretched with your neck just to make sure you had a full range of motion.  Everything looked fine and he gave us some suggestions on how to get you to turn it to the left a little bit more so we will be trying some of those out over the next couple of weeks.

"Smile for the camera!"

"We need to come up with a plan so Mom stops taking so many pictures of us!"

"Hey, wait a minute, you're not Cooper!"

You are still exclusively breastfed and it has been much easier on both of us this month.  We spent a lot of your 1st month learning, you were learning how to latch, I was learning the ins and outs of breastfeeding - and we had a few bumps in the road, but everything is going much smoother now.  I am glad that we stuck it out and I am very thankful that I am able to provide you with what you need (plus think of all the money we are saving by not having to buy formula!)  You eat every 3 hours during the day and will go about 8-9 hours at night (Your dad and I are VERY lucky!)  I am still pumping to build up my freezer stash, but you do take a bottle occasionally when we go out.  You also take a bottle when we travel, we went to Pittsburgh this month and bottle feeding was much easier in the car!  I would feed you and then pump, instead of having to stop to nurse.  It worked out great!

You continue to be a great sleeper!  We started a night time routine, which I think is helping you understand when it is bedtime.  You usually eat around 7 or 7:30 and then your dad and I keep you awake until you eat again.  During this time, your dad spends a lot of time playing with you since he missed you while he was at work all day.  He lays on the floor with you, reads books to you, and even sings some country music to you!  Your dad is determined to make you a Kenny Chesney fan!  Around 9ish, we take you upstairs for your bath.  You LOVE bath time and it seems to really relax you before your last feeding of the night.  After your bath, I nurse you up in your room where it is quiet and dark, then lay you down for the night.  You are still sleeping in your rock and play next to our bed, but hopefully by the time I write your 3 month recap you will be in your crib.  I think you are just about ready to make the transition because you are sleeping through the night.  My only hesitation is that you will occasionally wake up and make noises and all I have to do right now is roll over and give you your paci and you fall right back asleep.  You are still sleeping in our room because I am just being lazy, I don't want to have to get out of bed in the middle of the night, but pretty soon it has to be done.  

"All I can think about is boobs, when is it time to eat again?"

"Well if mom's not going to feed me right now at least I have these yummy hands to snack on!"
Some things that continue to be favorites from last month are your paci, swing, and ceiling fans.  We spend time playing on your activity mat every single day.  You LOVE to smile and you have the cutest smile in the world!  You smile every morning when you see your dad and I, even if you wake up crying because you're hungry, as soon as you see our faces, you smile and we love it!  You also smile when I touch your nose, when daddy sings to you, or when Cooper licks your toes!  You love being held up so that you can look around, you are very observant and like to take it all in.   Every once in a while we even catch you watching the TV.  We have spent a lot more time outside this month, taking walks or just hanging out on the deck and you seem to like getting fresh air.  You love bath time, especially since Grandma bought us one of those cool sponges so you can just lay in the tub.  You like that much better than the infant tub we were using before.

You still hate having your nose suctioned out, being hungry, and getting out of the tub.  We've done some traveling this month so you have spent some long periods of time in your car seat, which usually doesn't bother you.  But, when you wake up from a deep sleep in your car seat, you scream at the top of your lungs!  I think you are confused as to where you are and you don't like waking up when you are all restricted in your car seat.  Once you see us or we give you the paci or a bottle, you calm down pretty quickly.  Hopefully, you will get over that because we are pretty big travelers in this family.

It's not easy being this cute!

The most exciting thing you did this month was start to smile around week 5 (and no I'm not talking about smiling when you have gas, I'm talking about a real smile!)  You are also getting much better at holding your head up on your own. 
You are such a happy baby!  You LOVE to smile and we LOVE to watch you smile!  You try so hard to get a laugh out and it hasn't come yet, but we think it will come soon.  I can't wait for that because there's nothing better than a baby laugh.   You are very curious about everything around you.  When you are hungry or upset for some reason, boy do you let us know it!  You've got some sass and you aren't afraid to use it!

We didn't have any visitors this month, but you took your first trip to Pittsburgh to Grandma and Pap's house.  We spent the weekend showing you off to lots of our family and friends.  You met your Uncle Jeff, Tim, Judy, Anne and Dave (Timmy was at school), Michael, Megan, Dom, Gina, your birthday twin David, Mary Jo, Wendy, Amro, Rasha, Dave and Cheri Wilke, Laura and Dave Hartman, Nancy, Kathy Kuntz, Jim and Carol Braithwaite, and Julie and Todd (and baby Maxwell was in Julie's belly!)
"Okay mom, here's one last pose for the camera!"

1 comment:

  1. Um, let's not forget you met your Uncle Jeff for the first time during your trip to Pittsburgh also!
