Saturday, April 5, 2014

Your 1st Pittsburgh Trip!

We took our first trip to Pittsburgh at the end of March when you were just 6 weeks old.  Your dad and I were very pleasantly surprised at how cooperative you were in the car.  Most of the time, you were sleeping like an angel.  About every 3 hours or so, you woke up (not very happy, screaming actually!) to eat.  We pulled over and changed your diaper and give you a few minutes to get out of your car seat and stretch and hit the road again why I fed you a bottle.  Then, you were off to dreamland again.  Addie you get an A+ for your very first long road trip!

Everyone was very excited to see you when we finally arrived around 9pm on Friday night.  Your Grandma and Pap scooped you up as soon as we walked through the door.  Cousin Bryan, your Uncle Jeff, and Pap's kids (Rudy and Nakita) were also there to welcome you.  On Friday night, we just spent time relaxing with everyone and catching up.

On Saturday morning, I left for a little bit to go to Julie's baby shower to celebrate Maxwell's upcoming arrival.  You and Maxwell are going to be best buds!  Afterwards, we just hung out at Grandma's house the rest of the day as visitors stopped by to meet you.  You met some of the neighbors and your great Aunt Judy and cousin Anne for the first time on Saturday!

When we woke up on Saturday morning and you were still dressed in your pajamas, cousin Bryan looked at me and said with a smirk on his face, "Aunt Amy, I sure hope you are putting her in something cuter today."  I asked him what he would like to you wear and he told me something that says "Daddy's girl", so we decided that you were going to be "Daddy's Princess" on Saturday.

Uncle Brian and Carla just got back from their spring break trip to Jamaica and they brought you back your very first rattle!  Ya man!
Sunday was another fun-filled day of hanging out with friends and family.  Your Grandma and Pap are so in love with you and they could not wait to show you off, so we had lots of visitors on Sunday too.  First, your Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa came all the way from Ohio to meet you!  Great-Grandma could not wait to get her hands on you, she just held you and cuddled you for hours and you loved every minute of it!  We also had some more neighbors stop by and some of Grandma's friends.  Then, Grandma planned a big family dinner so that the rest of the family could meet you.  You met Uncle Tim and spent more time with Aunt Judy and Cousin Anne, you met Uncle Mike, Aunt Megan, and cousins Dom and Gina, your birthday twin, Uncle David and his dog Skip were also there, as well as Mary Jo. We spent the evening watching basketball, eating good food, and catching up.  Pap's 60th birthday was coming up, so Grandma surprised him with a birthday cake and you and cousin Bryan helped him blow out the candles.

Your Great-Grandma held you and cuddled you for hours!

Cousin Anne loved holding you too (when you weren't crying!)

I love this picture, it's the first picture of Pap with his 2 grand-kids!  Happy birthday Pap!   

Hanging out with your great-grandparents who came all the way from Akron to meet you!
Monday morning, we woke up (not bright and early because you are such a good sleeper) and went to breakfast with your great-grandparents at the Pancake House.  Then, you spent pretty much the rest of the day in your great-grandmother's arms.  Your Grandma cooked another yummy meal for everyone and we had a few more visitors Monday night.  You finally got to meet our good friends Julie and Todd (and Maxwell) and some more family friends.

"Where's my favorite Aunt Kristen?!"

Oh ok, I'll get to see Aunt Kristen in a few weeks?  I'm better now!

Tuesday morning, it was time to hit the road again.  We had a great time in Pittsburgh and as always it was full of fun times with great family and friends!  Until next time...

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