Thursday, April 24, 2014


Raleigh is a very special place to our family.  It's where your Dad and I met, it's where your mom-mom lives, and it's where lots of our close friends and family live.  Needless to say, we could not wait to take you to Raleigh for the very first time!

We got up bright and early on Saturday morning and hit the road.  You were a champ in the car yet again!  Once we arrived in Raleigh, we went right to mom-mom's house because she could not wait to see you!  We could barely get through the door and she was scooping you up and lovin' on you.  I think your mom-mom could just sit and hold you for hours, and I don't blame her because you are a great snuggler!

After we spent some time at your mom-mom's house we went to visit the Donohue's.  Ashley and I went to college together and she also recently became a mom to an adorable little boy named Liam.  We had a blast catching up, talking about baby things, and letting you and Liam get to know each other.

Liam is such a little stud, already putting the moves our little girl!
These kids are too cute, I can't even handle it!
Liam was nice enough to share his blanket and show off some of his toys.

Addie of course was way more interested in the ceiling than she was any of the toys!

Wow, how times have changed!  From bars to babies in only a matter of a few years, but we wouldn't change a thing! 
After we left Ashley and Greg's house, we went to visit Bob.  Bob is your mom's husband, who unfortunately suffered a stroke a few weeks ago.  Luckily, Bob is a fighter and is getting a little bit better every single day, the doctors are very happy with the progress that he made.  Bob was very excited to see you and we had a great time hanging out with him. 

We went for a cook-out at Rob and Terri's house on Saturday night.  Rob was traveling for work, but you got to meet Terri, Evan, and Ang for the very first time.  Terri made a super yummy dinner and we all just sat around the table catching up.

More snuggles with mom-mom

You are not a fan of taking pictures or doing pretty much anything when you are hungry!
We had another fun day planned on Sunday.  We started by heading back to mom-mom's house, she cooked us an amazing breakfast!  As we ate, she just held you and cuddled you!  After breakfast, we went to visit the Overby's.  I used to teach with Christina and she has 2 adorable little girls of her own, so we couldn't wait to hang out.  Rebecca also stopped over with her daughter and they all could not get enough of you!

Anna Kate was so cute with Addie!

We had so much fun hanging out with Christina, Anna Kate, and Allison!

After we left the Overby's house we went back to mom-mom's house for a few hours of relaxation before we had to head back home.  We ordered pizza, watched TV, and just hung out.  

We had a blast on your first (of many) trips to Raleigh.  Until next time Raleighwood...

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