Saturday, April 5, 2014

Can you stay little forever?

Addie at 2 days old and almost 2 months old

Every parent at some point looks at their child and thinks to themselves "Where has the time gone?"  I feel like it was just yesterday that your dad and I laid eyes on you for the very first time.  You are already almost 2 months old and I feel like time is just flying by.  Yes, your dad and I are both excited for what the future holds.  Your dad can't wait to take you to Disney World to look at all the princesses, I can't wait to see your personality shine through and see you walk, hear you talk, and soak up everything about you as you grow into a little lady.  But, at the same time, I wish I could freeze time and just keep you little forever.   


 This reminds me of a book called  Love You Forever by Robert Munch that's about a mom who sings a lullaby to her son when he is a baby, and then continues singing the same lullaby to him as she watches him grow into a young man.  This book is about the unconditional love that a parent has for their child.  No matter how much you grow Addison Elizabeth, you will always be our baby girl.



But for now Addie, can you please just slow down?

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