Thursday, April 24, 2014

Spring Break

Here are a few highlights from Spring Break.  Your Pap, Grandma, and Aunt Kristen came to visit and although the weather was TERRIBLE, we still had a lot of fun!  We went shopping, watched movies, and ate (a lot!)  We celebrated your First Easter at the end of their trip (but that needed it's own post of course!)

You love hanging out with your Auntie Kristen!

Reading already?!?  You're brilliant Addison Elizabeth!
"Mom, what do you mean Uncle Brian and Carla aren't coming to visit?"
We surprised Pap with a belated birthday present!  He turned 21 (for the 39th time) a few weeks ago!

We bought him Bruce Springsteen tickets and lots of candy to go along with it!
Anyone who knows your Grandma knows that she LOVES to shop!  And what better to do on a rainy day than shop til we drop.  You had your first trip to the mall with your Grandma and she kept you interested for hours.  Your dad's wallet is going to be in trouble if you continue to learn from Grandma!
Family photo op before we went out to Rockafeller's for dinner!

Aunt Kristen being silly again!
"Mom, enough of that milk stuff, I want some steak!"

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