Monday, April 10, 2017

Baby Bump - Month 8

How far along?  35 weeks

Gender:  Boy - Noah Ryan

Feeling:   A lot has changed in the last few weeks - mainly that I am over this whole pregnancy thing!  I feel HUGE, over tired, and can't ever get comfortable.  Not to mention I feel all of those things and still have 2 little ones to chase around all day!  Sleeping is becoming more difficult and I tend to find myself wide awake for an hour or two in the middle of the night every single night, but that means I'll be ready for nighttime feedings, right?!?  The good news is we've had some nicer weather and the temps are warming up, so hopefully we will get to squeeze in some beach days before our little man's arrival.  This momma needs some sun!

I had my first NST last week due to high fluid and it was pretty relaxing.  I got to sit in a recliner with my feet up for about 20 minutes.  Just like any time I sit down, little man started moving like crazy the second I put my feet up.  The kicks are intense and much stronger than I ever had with either of the girls, at times I feel like he is trying to kick his way out! Luckily, everything came back normal and my doctor wants me to repeat weekly until we recheck my fluid at 36 weeks.   Other than that, Noah is hanging in there, growing and doing his thing and he will hopefully stay put until he gets his eviction notice on May 12th!  Hear that little buddy....May 12th!

All about Food:  My heart burn is more under control these days, which makes eating less of a headache.  I am loving Starbucks, Chipotle, Bakers Crust, pretty much anything I don't have to cook sounds good to me :)  My energy is limited and I'd prefer to use it up being outside and keeping my little humans happy instead of making a meal!

Favorite moments:
-We have made some changes to the room situation, Addie and Bella's shared big girl room got a little update and Noah's vintage baseball nursery is ready to go!
-We ventured to DC for the weekend to see my family and had a lot of fun.  It was our last trip before baby, we are on house arrest now patiently waiting his arrival.
-We took some maternity photos recently and I can't wait to share them...even though Noah's the 3rd child I want to make sure he gets everything the first 2 did and so far so good :)
-Addie's anticipation as Noah's arrival continues to amaze me.  I can't wait to see both her and Bella with their new baby brother very, very soon :)

Looking forward to:  
-My sister, neighbors, and friends are throwing a little baby sprinkle for me this weekend :)  I can't wait to hang out with everyone and celebrate our little man.
-This week is Spring Break which means Eric took off a few days and we have some fun things planned to soak up every second we can as a family of FOUR.  Then, this weekend my family is coming to visit and celebrate Easter.
-Addie and Bella's big sister class is next week!  I can't wait to see their reactions to being at the hospital and learning all there is about having a newborn around, plus my friend's sister is teaching the class which is an added bonus for all of us!
-Last but not least, I can't wait to hold our sweet Noah, soak up all the newborn smells, stare him down from top to bottom and just love on him with every piece of my heart.  I can't believe how quickly these past 8 months have flown by and that I will be holding Noah in only 4 short weeks.  Our family is about to go through some changes, but change is good and exciting and I can't wait to see how our family adjusts.  We love you to the moon and back Noah Ryan!

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