Friday, April 28, 2017

Thoughts on THREE

The other night I came across an article from Scary Mommy called "5 Things I Stopped Doing When I Had My Third Baby" and had a minor heart attack.  I know Scary Mommy loves to have humor in all of their "inspiring" articles on motherhood, but still.  Then, I continued to search Pinterest for other articles about having your 3rd baby and I've learned searching for that is just like checking WebMD for medical advice.  Everything out there is terrifying and so negative!  They all say, you'll never sleep again, screaming and fighting with your older 2 will never end, forget leaving the house...ever, your house will always look like a tornado went through it at all times because you will never leave it, and I could go on and on.

Instead of believing all of these articles, I would like to be more optimistic about what life will be like as we welcome our 3rd baby very soon (2 weeks and counting to be exact.)  When I think back about the days before I had Addie, I was pretty nervous.  I was pretty familiar with babies because I grew up babysitting and being around babies, but I never had my own.  I had no clue what I was doing, but we survived.  Then, I think about the days before I had Bella, I was equally nervous.  How was I going to handle an 18 month old AND a newborn at the same time?  Would Addie feel neglected?  How would I give Bella the same attention Addie got when she was a newborn?  Almost 2 years in with 2 toddlers, we also survived.  So here I am, nervous all over again as we are about to welcome our THIRD baby, but with TWO very busy toddlers at home and I know it won't be all rainbows and unicorns at all times, but we will survive and I know I will just have to be patient as we find our new normal.

Eric and I have talked a lot about ways to make life easier once baby Noah comes along.  Luckily, we live in the time of grocery pick-up, awesome childcare at the stay and play at the Y, and Prime NOW.  We've learned over the years that we love early bed times for the kids and I feel very little guilt when I leave them with a sitter.  We like to have a night out once in a while where we can actually have a conversation during dinner and aren't against taking one for the team while the other enjoys some girls or guys time with their friends.  It's all about balance, right?!?

Over the next couple of weeks I know that I am going to have to learn to let go.  Let go of the mom guilt and let go of the fact that I can get everything done solo.  In the next couple of weeks, the girls may watch way too much TV, there may be days spent in our pajamas, and the days we order take out may outnumber the days we eat a healthy, home cooked meal.  But, so what!  At times the house will be a mess, I'm going to have to rely on others for help, and we may not always stick to our usual schedule.  Luckily, we have some awesome help lined up in the next month or so with my mom and sister both offering to come stay with us and several friends and neighbors also willing to help with the girls.  We all know that raising kids takes a village, right?!?

Finally, I am oddly very excited for the exhaustion, mess, and lack of organization.  Is that weird?  I know that I love the heck out of my girls and I can't wait to add Noah to our family, craziness and all.  I know that Eric and I make a great team and will survive the transition and before we know it life with our 3 littles will be our new normal.  I know that millions of other families have been in our situation before us and survived so we can too, no matter what Scary Mommy says.  I know that this stage of life is a phase and years from now when I come back and read this post I will probably simultaneously laugh and cry because I miss this phase so much.  Over the next couple of months, I am choosing to embrace this phase because despite the craziness I feel very, very lucky that I will have 3 little blessings to fill my heart with more love than I could ever imagine possible.  Addie, Bella, and Noah your Daddy and I love you very, very much...and please take it easy on us :)


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