Monday, April 24, 2017

Easter 2017

We had a full house this year for Easter and that's exactly how we like it.  For the past 5 years or so, Easter has been the holiday where the family comes to us.  Grandma and Pap came from Pittsburgh and Brian, Carla, and Kristen came from D.C. to enjoy an extra long weekend with lots of fun in the sun.  We spent Friday at the Botanical Gardens.  The girls played in the sand pit while cousin Bryan and Eric played catch in the field.  Grandma and Bella enjoyed an extra long ride on the "choo-choo" and then all the kids had a blast in the splash pad.  Friday evening Grandma cooked us a yummy meal followed by Easter egg dying and family movie night complete with sleeping bags, Moana, and popcorn!

Saturday morning Pap and Addie made his famous pancakes for breakfast.  Brian and Carla arrived just in time for us to split up for the afternoon.  My family and friends planned the most perfect baby sprinkle for Noah and I and after that we treated ourselves to pedicures.  The guys and little ones went mini-golfing.  After naps we all went out to a nice dinner down at Rudee's Inlet.  

Everyone was up bright and early on Easter Sunday.  We ate breakfast and the kids had a blast hunting down their Easter baskets.  They were spoiled with lots of toys, bubbles, twirl dresses, and beach wear this year and they were beyond excited about each and every thing in their baskets.  Even though Addie thought the Easter bunny was "scary" when we went to see him this year, I think she started liking him after she opened her basket and agreed to sit with him next time :)  After a morning of excitement, we got dressed in our "Easter best" and went to church.  The girls were angels!  Eric and I were very pleasantly surprised at how well they behaved, especially since mass was a longer than usual.  After mass, we stopped home for a quick change and off to the beach we went.  The weather was absolutely perfect and everyone was excited to put their toes in the sand.  Many hours and little to no naps later, we were on our way home for a yummy Easter dinner and quiet evening at home.  The girls had quick baths and early bed times after a long, but very fun Easter Sunday and the rest of us were equally exhausted and played a few rounds of Apples to Apples followed by watching some shows on the couch. 

Hope your Easter was an enjoyable as ours :) 

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