Sunday, April 2, 2017

Time flies when you're having FUN

We've had a busy couple of weeks in the Harvell household, who am I kidding though it's always busy with little ones around.  I cannot believe that we are only 6 short weeks away from meeting baby Noah.  My nesting is in full force and we are busy making the big room switch, redecorating the nursery with the cutest little vintage baseball theme, and combining Addie and Bella's rooms into their shared mermaid themed big girl room, on top of trying to complete the endless list of "things to do before baby arrives."  All of our preparations around here has really had me thinking about how quickly time flies, particularly the last 5 years.  During this time 5 years ago, Eric and I were surrounded by all things wedding.  We were getting ready to be married in May, childless, well-rested, and carefree.  Since then, we've gotten married, bought a house, started new jobs, and adopted Cooper.  Then, it seems like just yesterday we were learning the ins and outs of being new parents to Addie, another short blink and we became a family of four and welcomed Bella into our family, and now we are getting ready to have our first son!  Wow!  How many major life events could we squeeze into a short 5 years!

5 years ago almost to the day!


I feel like nothing ages your children quicker than having another one.  I've been spending a lot of time in Noah's nursery, getting the newborn clothes washed, and have even come across some newborn diapers that are ready for his tiny little bum.  As I think about having a newborn around again, Addie and Bella seem so old all of a sudden!  Time sure does fly by, especially when you are having FUN and I cannot believe how much they have grown and changed since the days we brought them home from the hospital.

The last couple of weeks have been full of many milestones and changes for our sweet Addie girl.  She has been potty trained, moved into her big girl twin bed, started playing soccer, and is sporting the most adorable new hair do with layers.  Layers?!? She constantly refers to herself as a "big girl" and loves everything about it.  I swear she is 3 going on 13!  She is very aware of her baby brother and surprises me daily with how much she gets it this time.  "Baby Noah is sleeping in my belly daddy, please be quiet." or "Mommy, Noah is growing in my belly, pretty soon we are going to go to the hospital to meet him."  or "Look!  My baby is moving!"  She reminds Daddy that he will have to be very gentle when he holds her baby brother and can't wait to help me feed him his bottle or change his diaper "all by herself."  She encourages and loves on Bella like she never has before (and on the opposite end of the spectrum the sisterly fighting has also begun!) and is trying to teach her the ropes of being a big sister.

Those layers are the perfect accessory for that smile <3
She was SO excited for her big girl bed, she kept running around hugging Eric and I telling us thank you.

Working on some art for Noah's nursery

Always in costume and always busy!

Soccer ready!

Potty training in princess underwear of course!
Bella, on the other hand has lost all of those baby qualities and become a toddler over night!  She is independent, feisty, and full of opinions.  She is learning new words, "cheers" and "baby" are her newest favorites, but gets very frustrated when she can't get her point across and chooses to growl at me instead.  I can't even count how many times I get growled out in a day.  She's perfected throwing herself to the floor and boycotting something she doesn't want to do, in which case Addie instructs her to "be a good listener and get up or we are going to leave without her."  Wonder where she's heard that before?!?  Bella is still the sweetest little girl though and loves to give kisses with her tongue out and thinks it is hilarious.  She reaches for my hand or Addie's hand constantly and it melts my heart every time.  She is no longer the baby of the group and prefers to hang with the big kids instead, whether it's having her own chair at story time, running off on her own at the park, or expecting her own wa-wa (water) and cake pop at Starbucks!

Snack time is her favorite part about story time.

Playing a game with the big girls.


Cheers for cake pops! 

In these last couple weeks hanging out with just my girls, I'm trying to soak up every little moment.  I cannot wait to meet our little man and I know he will bring another layer of love to our family that we don't even realize we are missing, but I also know bringing a newborn home will occupy a lot of my time and for now I want to spend that time enjoying all the little things with my girls.

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