Sunday, April 30, 2017

Baby Bump - Month 9

How far along?  38 weeks

Gender:  Boy - Noah Ryan

Feeling:   The last month of pregnancy is never my favorite, sleepless nights, lower back pain, and overall discomfort make it tough on my everyday life of keeping up with 2 very busy toddlers.  But, at this point I can see the light at the end of the tunnel of holding my sweet boy, which is enough to keep me going.  I've finally decided the classes at the gym are a little much if I don't want my water to break mid-squat, but I still try to make it 2-3 times a week for a walk and some light weights.  Most days I am able to keep my heartburn under control and I've had very little swelling this pregnancy, which is a nice change up compared to how I was with the girls.  We've been soaking up the sun around here when we can and I'm trying to enjoy all the little things with the girls.  The botanical gardens has been one of our favorite spots, along with evenings at the pool and even a few beach days.  My bump may still be ghostly white, but this momma has gotten a little bit of a tan :)

I've continued with my weekly NSTs and baby Noah always passes with flying colors.  I had an ultra sound at 36 weeks and he measured around 7 1/2 pounds already!  Big boy and high fluid have made for one big belly (hence the back pain!)  At 37 weeks I've started having some contractions here and there, but luckily when Dr. Pirkle checked me I wasn't dilated and baby boy is still sitting up pretty high.  Most moms would be less than thrilled with that news,  I was the opposite because I've made it this long, ideally I would like for little man to stay put until May 12th.  I go back for another NST and visit this week and I'm hoping for the same report :)  I also have my appointment with urology this week to check little man's kidneys.

Mommy and Addie showing off our baby bumps :)
My not so little baby anymore is excited to meet her baby brother!

All about Food:  I have been back on a fruit kick, especially strawberries since they are so yummy these days.  Eric requested strawberry shortcake the other day and it was absolutely delicious, now I can't get enough!  I also can't get enough apples and apple juice, lemonade, and sweets.  My mid-day NSTs give me the perfect excuse to enjoy a sweet treat to get him moving and I'm totally embracing that. 

Favorite moments:
-My family and friends spoiled Noah and I with the most perfect baby sprinkle - baseball theme, a waffle bar, and the most delicious homemade baseball cookies - what more could a momma want!  It was a great afternoon spent with great company celebrating our little boy's upcoming arrival!
-We enjoyed our first trip to Busch Gardens of the season over Eric's spring break and we can't wait to go back as a family of FIVE.
-Easter weekend we had a full house of visitors and we had a blast.  The weather was beautiful and we spent Easter Sunday hanging out on the beach.  It doesn't get much better than that :)
-Addie and Bella took their Big Siblings class at the hospital, they are ready to fill their roles now and can't wait to go to the hospital to meet their baby brother.
-I got to see our little man on the ultra sound at 36 weeks and got the sweetest little 3-D picture of him.  It's crazy how much he already resembles his big sisters.
-I love how eager Addie is to meet her brother, she asked almost daily if it's time to go get Noah.  It's so sweet.
-Bella is preparing in her own way too!  She is testing out all of Noah's baby gear with her baby dolls, just like Addie did almost 2 years ago.  It's so sweet to watch her take her dolls for walks, feed them their bottle, and "shhhh" as she pushes them in the swing.

Looking forward to:  
-Meeting our sweet boy and embracing everything about being a family of FIVE :)

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